Correct Exceptions During Scanning
If the Correct Exceptions During Scanning validation
rule is enabled for the work type being used to capture
deposits, then only items that encounter an exception will be shown in the scan
page. These items will be displayed one at a time, allowing the operator to
correct the exception. Once all exceptions have been corrected, all items will
be displayed in the scan page.
Note : In the figure
above, only one exception is displayed. There may be other exceptions in the deposit
but these exceptions are not presented to the operator until the displayed exception
is corrected.
Once all exceptions have been displayed, then all items in the deposit are presented allowing the operator to submit the deposit.
Note: If the operator
selects the Exceptions window while scanning is in progress,
the “Correct Exceptions while Scanning” option is disabled for this
deposit. Accordingly, all items are displayed when the operator selects the All